Russian Reactor Dosimetry File RRDF-98 .220470E+05 4.65480+ 1 0 0 41 02222 1451 1 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 0 62222 1451 2 1.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 10 22222 1451 3 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 0 51 32222 1451 4 22-TI-47 FEI EVAL-Oct95 K.Zolotarev and A.Pashchenko 2222 1451 5 DIST-Nov97 2222 1451 6 ---RRDF-98 MATERIAL 2222 2222 1451 7 ----INCIDENT NEUTRON DATA 2222 1451 8 -----ENDF-6 FORMAT 2222 1451 9 ***************************************************************** 2222 1451 10 -----DOSIMETRY FILE RRDF-98 2222 1451 11 ***************************************************************** 2222 1451 12 AUTHORS OF EVALUATION: K.Zolotarev and A.Pashchenko 2222 1451 13 ***************************************************************** 2222 1451 14 2222 1451 15 ----- MF=3 MT= 28 ----- 2222 1451 16 Evaluation include sum of the reactions Ti47(n,np)Sc46m+g, 2222 1451 17 Ti47(n,pn)Sc46m+g, Ti47(n,d)Sc46m+g excitation functions. 2222 1451 18 Evaluation of Ti47(n,x)Sc46m+g excitation function is based 2222 1451 19 on the experimental data [1-6]. Old experimental data were renor- 2222 1451 20 malized to the new standard data. Final procedure of evaluation 2222 1451 21 was carried out by means of Pade-2 code [7]. 2222 1451 22 The energy dependence of cross-section from 11.50 MeV to 2222 1451 23 threshold was extrapolated with linear function. 2222 1451 24 U-235 thermal fission [8] and Cf-252 spontanious fission 2222 1451 25 neutron spectra [9] averaged cross-sections calculated from the 2222 1451 26 evaluated Ti47(n,x)Sc46m+g excitation function are the following: 2222 1451 27 2222 1451 28 ================================================================ 2222 1451 29 TYPE OF SPECTRUM | ,mb (calc.) | , mb (measured) 2222 1451 30 ================================================================ 2222 1451 31 U-235 neutron fission | 0.0080124 | 2222 1451 32 ================================================================ 2222 1451 33 CF-252 spont. fission | 0.0189180 | 2222 1451 34 ================================================================ 2222 1451 35 2222 1451 36 ----- MF=33 MT= 28 ----- 2222 1451 37 The covarience matrix of cross sections uncertainties were 2222 1451 38 obtained simultaneously with Ti47(n,x)Sc46m+g excitation function 2222 1451 39 by means of Pade-2 code. 2222 1451 40 2222 1451 41 References : 2222 1451 42 1. W.G.Cross,H.L.Pai Progress Rep. EANDC(CAN)-16, p.1, Jan.1963 2222 1451 43 2. H.L.Pai Canadian J. of Physics, v.44, p.2337, 1966 2222 1451 44 3. I.Ribansky,S.Gmuca J.,Phys.G, v.9, p.1537, Dec.1983 2222 1451 45 4. N.I.Molla et al. Report INDC(BAN)-003, Sep.1986 2222 1451 46 5. Y.Ikeda et al. Report JAERI-1312, 1988 2222 1451 47 6. Y.Uno et al. Report JAERI-M-93-046, p.247-256, 1993 2222 1451 48 7. S.A.Badikov et al. Preprint FEI-1686, Obninsk, 1985 2222 1451 49 8. L.W.Weston et al. Evaluated Neutron Data for U-235, ENDF/B-VI 2222 1451 50 Library, MAT=9228, MF=5, MT=18, eval.apr. 1989 2222 1451 51 9. W.Mannhart IAEA-TECDOC-410, p.158, IAEA, Vienna, 1987 2222 1451 52 2222 1451 53 ***************************************************************** 2222 1451 54 2222 1451 55 1 451 58 02222 1451 56 3 28 40 02222 1451 57 33 28 32 02222 1451 58 2222 1 0 59 2222 0 0 60 2.20470+ 4 4.65962+ 1 0 0 0 02222 3 28 61 -8.23715+ 6-8.23715+ 6 0 0 1 1102222 3 28 62 110 2 2222 3 28 63 8.41393+ 6 0.00000+ 0 1.02000+ 7 5.03277- 6 1.03000+ 7 5.31455- 62222 3 28 64 1.04000+ 7 5.59632- 6 1.05000+ 7 5.87810- 6 1.06000+ 7 6.15988- 62222 3 28 65 1.07000+ 7 1.68077- 4 1.08000+ 7 3.15924- 4 1.09000+ 7 4.52332- 42222 3 28 66 1.10000+ 7 5.80347- 4 1.11000+ 7 7.03478- 4 1.12000+ 7 8.25718- 42222 3 28 67 1.13000+ 7 9.51587- 4 1.14000+ 7 1.08617- 3 1.15000+ 7 1.23511- 32222 3 28 68 1.16000+ 7 1.40471- 3 1.17000+ 7 1.60183- 3 1.18000+ 7 1.83402- 32222 3 28 69 1.19000+ 7 2.10942- 3 1.20000+ 7 2.43679- 3 1.21000+ 7 2.82547- 32222 3 28 70 1.22000+ 7 3.28529- 3 1.23000+ 7 3.82658- 3 1.24000+ 7 4.45998- 32222 3 28 71 1.25000+ 7 5.19638- 3 1.26000+ 7 6.04680- 3 1.27000+ 7 7.02215- 32222 3 28 72 1.28000+ 7 8.13311- 3 1.29000+ 7 9.38992- 3 1.30000+ 7 1.08021- 22222 3 28 73 1.31000+ 7 1.23784- 2 1.32000+ 7 1.41263- 2 1.33000+ 7 1.60521- 22222 3 28 74 1.34000+ 7 1.81604- 2 1.35000+ 7 2.04543- 2 1.36000+ 7 2.29349- 22222 3 28 75 1.37000+ 7 2.56013- 2 1.38000+ 7 2.84508- 2 1.39000+ 7 3.14785- 22222 3 28 76 1.40000+ 7 3.46778- 2 1.41000+ 7 3.80400- 2 1.42000+ 7 4.15549- 22222 3 28 77 1.43000+ 7 4.52108- 2 1.44000+ 7 4.89947- 2 1.45000+ 7 5.28926- 22222 3 28 78 1.46000+ 7 5.68899- 2 1.47000+ 7 6.09717- 2 1.48000+ 7 6.51226- 22222 3 28 79 1.49000+ 7 6.93276- 2 1.50000+ 7 7.35720- 2 1.51000+ 7 7.78417- 22222 3 28 80 1.52000+ 7 8.21232- 2 1.53000+ 7 8.64041- 2 1.54000+ 7 9.06728- 22222 3 28 81 1.55000+ 7 9.49189- 2 1.56000+ 7 9.91332- 2 1.57000+ 7 1.03307- 12222 3 28 82 1.58000+ 7 1.07434- 1 1.59000+ 7 1.11508- 1 1.60000+ 7 1.15523- 12222 3 28 83 1.61000+ 7 1.19476- 1 1.62000+ 7 1.23363- 1 1.63000+ 7 1.27183- 12222 3 28 84 1.64000+ 7 1.30933- 1 1.65000+ 7 1.34613- 1 1.66000+ 7 1.38223- 12222 3 28 85 1.67000+ 7 1.41762- 1 1.68000+ 7 1.45231- 1 1.69000+ 7 1.48631- 12222 3 28 86 1.70000+ 7 1.51964- 1 1.71000+ 7 1.55230- 1 1.72000+ 7 1.58433- 12222 3 28 87 1.73000+ 7 1.61573- 1 1.74000+ 7 1.64653- 1 1.75000+ 7 1.67674- 12222 3 28 88 1.76000+ 7 1.70640- 1 1.77000+ 7 1.73552- 1 1.78000+ 7 1.76412- 12222 3 28 89 1.79000+ 7 1.79223- 1 1.80000+ 7 1.81987- 1 1.81000+ 7 1.84706- 12222 3 28 90 1.82000+ 7 1.87382- 1 1.83000+ 7 1.90018- 1 1.84000+ 7 1.92615- 12222 3 28 91 1.85000+ 7 1.95175- 1 1.86000+ 7 1.97700- 1 1.87000+ 7 2.00192- 12222 3 28 92 1.88000+ 7 2.02654- 1 1.89000+ 7 2.05085- 1 1.90000+ 7 2.07489- 12222 3 28 93 1.91000+ 7 2.09866- 1 1.92000+ 7 2.12218- 1 1.93000+ 7 2.14546- 12222 3 28 94 1.94000+ 7 2.16853- 1 1.95000+ 7 2.19138- 1 1.96000+ 7 2.21404- 12222 3 28 95 1.97000+ 7 2.23651- 1 1.98000+ 7 2.25881- 1 1.99000+ 7 2.28095- 12222 3 28 96 2.00000+ 7 2.30293- 1 2.01000+ 7 2.32476- 1 2.02000+ 7 2.34646- 12222 3 28 97 2.03000+ 7 2.36803- 1 2.04000+ 7 2.38949- 1 2.05000+ 7 2.41083- 12222 3 28 98 2.06000+ 7 2.43207- 1 2.07000+ 7 2.45321- 1 2.08000+ 7 2.47426- 12222 3 28 99 2.09000+ 7 2.49523- 1 2.10000+ 7 2.51612- 1 2222 3 28 100 2222 3 0 101 2222 0 0 102 2.20470+ 4 4.65962+ 1 0 0 0 1222233 28 103 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0 28 0 1222233 28 104 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 1 5 171 18222233 28 105 8.41393+ 6 1.06000+ 7 1.10000+ 7 1.15000+ 7 1.20000+ 7 1.25000+ 7222233 28 106 1.30000+ 7 1.35000+ 7 1.40000+ 7 1.45000+ 7 1.50000+ 7 1.55000+ 7222233 28 107 1.60000+ 7 1.70000+ 7 1.80000+ 7 1.90000+ 7 2.00000+ 7 2.10000+ 7222233 28 108 1.43055- 1 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0222233 28 109 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0222233 28 110 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 0.00000+ 0 1.43055- 1222233 28 111 5.40930- 2 2.25694- 2 7.71947- 3 4.04019- 3 3.75813- 3 3.57460- 3222233 28 112 3.00706- 3 2.39081- 3 2.08303- 3 2.23950- 3 3.32430- 3 5.49069- 3222233 28 113 7.89031- 3 1.01350- 2 1.21085- 2 5.16572- 2 2.82905- 2 8.54582- 3222233 28 114 7.88331- 4-3.31864- 4 3.68147- 4 1.07806- 3 1.44187- 3 1.58446- 3222233 28 115 1.69783- 3 2.08193- 3 2.97656- 3 4.15481- 3 5.40528- 3 6.61121- 3222233 28 116 3.50322- 2 2.69637- 2 1.45007- 2 5.45647- 3 8.52190- 4-4.15291- 4222233 28 117 3.48221- 4 2.05212- 3 3.94314- 3 6.29269- 3 8.07300- 3 8.69448- 3222233 28 118 8.66091- 3 8.31455- 3 2.98481- 2 2.05584- 2 1.05420- 2 3.88487- 3222233 28 119 7.99047- 4 3.56408- 4 1.44504- 3 3.14656- 3 5.64520- 3 7.79971- 3222233 28 120 8.71763- 3 8.83999- 3 8.53882- 3 1.72079- 2 1.11530- 2 5.99557- 3222233 28 121 2.65180- 3 1.03552- 3 7.04402- 4 1.15261- 3 2.44862- 3 4.10217- 3222233 28 122 5.29526- 3 6.03423- 3 6.45378- 3 9.07926- 3 6.23430- 3 3.61670- 3222233 28 123 1.65891- 3 4.67894- 4-4.94777- 5 8.07556- 5 9.48461- 4 2.01445- 3222233 28 124 2.98798- 3 3.80355- 3 5.19914- 3 3.60283- 3 1.99000- 3 6.87904- 4222233 28 125 -1.77871- 4-6.87931- 4-4.93085- 4 1.69031- 4 9.46954- 4 1.69613- 3222233 28 126 2.95293- 3 2.03721- 3 1.14102- 3 4.24832- 4-2.03772- 4-4.17030- 4222233 28 127 -2.22766- 4 1.36502- 4 5.38048- 4 1.88337- 3 1.62369- 3 1.33743- 3222233 28 128 9.57174- 4 6.21553- 4 4.45253- 4 3.70869- 4 3.53885- 4 2.00478- 3222233 28 129 2.23141- 3 2.28749- 3 2.06346- 3 1.69245- 3 1.30316- 3 9.45013- 4222233 28 130 2.92273- 3 3.45869- 3 3.49806- 3 3.11332- 3 2.57715- 3 2.02207- 3222233 28 131 4.61845- 3 5.18330- 3 5.04708- 3 4.58951- 3 4.02248- 3 6.40757- 3222233 28 132 6.80010- 3 6.73542- 3 6.45672- 3 7.76521- 3 8.21816- 3 8.38037- 3222233 28 133 9.18214- 3 9.80316- 3 1.08481- 2 222233 28 134 222233 0 135 2222 0 0 136 0 0 0 137 -1 0 0 137